
Farmer advanced digital business profiling. It’s a solution for client acqusion, onboarding and a KYC tool for financial and farming economics status of the farmer.

Jembe Pesa

Your Solution for Financial Deepening and services for digital identity, payment and Banking: a payment platform with farmer wallets, peer to peer, Till, bulk payment, Jembecard (Visa & Umoja switch network), insurance products, loan products and provides integration to bank for individual accounts opening and loan management.


Your Solution for last miles extension and weather information, two-way communication, bulk SMS, alerts, tele research…

Cross border

Your Solution for Cross country trade facilitation of agricultural commodities. It connects buyers from outside Tanzania wishing to buy directly from farmers.


Your Solution for First Mile Aggregation commercialization of commodity. Used for Commodity indenting…


Your Solution for Agro-dealers and Agent Management, PoS and Inventory Management, connected to Bank account…

API Integration

We provide API services that you can integrate to your Platform and build a solution to your liking based on the modules that we have for: